Engineering Firm Gets Image Face Lift

It’s human nature…change is hard.
We all like things the way they are…until it gets tired and worn out. When GPM Engineering came to Chilcoat Studios and wanted a new web site…what they really wanted…needed, was a whole new GPM_brochureCover-2look…an image upgrade.  They were making some changes in their business, more aggressive business development and a fresh new approach and expansion.

It was time for a change.  It was time for a complete company-wide image upgrade.  So, starting with their updated and evolved logo to a new company brochure and web site, GPM Engineering, of Corpus Christi is taking new strides into the future.  With renewed vigor and corporate branding, GPM has taken a leap to energize their business and staff into the new year and beyond.  Chilcoat Studios has also added new signage and interior graphics to welcome new clients.  2016 promises to be a year of energy, growth and renowned engineering practices.  Chilcoat Studios is excited to have been a part of the transformation of GPM Engineering and stands by them in their future growth and success.  To see the other identities Chilcoat Studios has developed…click here.GPM_building-2

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