
NonEuclid is a Java Software Simulation offering Straightedge and Compass Constructions in both the Poincaré Disk and the Upper Half-Plane Models of Hyperbolic Geometry (a geometry of Einstein's General Relativity Theory and Curved Hyperspace) for use in High School and Undergraduate Education.

Joel Castellanos - Research Staff, Dept. of Mathematics, Rice University
Joe Dan Austin - Associate Professor, Dept. of Education, Rice University
Ervan Darnell - Graduate Student, Dept. of Computer Science, Rice University
Elliot Anshelevich - Undergraduate, Rice University

NonEuclid is Supported by the
     Institute for Advanced Study / Park City Mathematics Institute

Run NonEuclid Applet:

Download NonEuclid Stand-Alone Application:

Basic Concepts:


More Concepts:

For The Teacher:

Why is it Important for Students to Study Hyperbolic Geometry?

References & Further Reading.

For more information, questions, bug reports, or comments send e-mail to Joel Castellanos [email protected]
Copyright©: Joel Castellanos, 1994-1998